CIRS Shoemaker Protocol Step #4

 As we covered in the last few blogs… you’ve caught onto the idea that chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) and erythromelalgia (EM) are related. You’ve learned that the first step in recovery from CIRS and therefore EM is removal from exposure. This can mean moving away from or remediating a moldy home but can have other implications if something other than mold is driving your illness. You learned that the second step in treatment is taking a binder to remove the toxin that your immune system can’t see and remove itself.  This is typically a prescription medication- either colesevelam or cholestyramine. You read that the third step involved treating something nicknamed MARCoNS that can live deep in the nose of those with CIRS. These multiple antibiotic resistant coagulase negative staphylococci can impair the boy’s ability to produce normal amounts of MSH. This is a problem because adequate MSH is pivotal to recovery from biotoxin-induced illness. You’ve learned a great deal. So, what’s the next step? Let’s continue to walk through the steps of CIRS treatment together…

So, you failed the VCS test and were worked up for CIRS. Your positive blood markers resulted in a diagnosis. Now treatment will involve taking the CIRS protocol step-by-step. The first step is removal from exposure. The next step is to start a binder. You’ve gone after MARCoNS. Now what? 


CIRS will induce in some people a temporary autoimmune issue that is detected by testing for antigliadin antibodies (AGA). Anti-gliadin antibodies indicate gluten sensitivity which differs from true celiac disease [5]. MSH regulates tight junctions in the gut, so the lowered MSH that often accompanies CIRS is a risk factor for gastrointestinal intolerances [3]. As you learned when reading about step #3, MARCoNS can drive down MSH. A low MSH can make the gut ‘leaky’ and gluten sensitivity can occur.

So how will your CIRS savvy health provider know if you are sensitive to gluten? They will order some bloodwork. If you are positive for antigliadin antibodies (AGA) but negative for transglutaminase antibodies (TTG), you should remove gluten from your diet for 3 months. After doing so, AGA will be retested. Following retest if AGA is negative, you may be instructed to reintroduce gluten into your diet [4]. If you simply feel better with elimination of gluten, feel free to keep it out of your diet altogether. It’s certainly not a necessity! However, if you are positive for both types of antibodies (AGA and TTG), you will need to remove gluten from your diet permanently due to celiac disease [6]. 

What else should you know? Interestingly, antigliadin antibodies are most common is children with CIRS [6]. In addition, increased risk is observed in those with CIRS who have 17-2-52A and 7-2-53 haplotypes [2]. Your medical provider will have tested your halotype when obtaining your initial bloodwork and will be happy to share it with you if they haven’t already. Your halotype are the genes that make you susceptible to biotoxin illness. Hating on your genes? Don’t! As I tell my patients, there is no such thing as a bad gene. The gene that makes you susceptible to mold may protect you from Parkinson’s disease, alopecia, or a whole host of other health challenges. Even when it feels your body is your mortal enemy, trust me when I say it is working for you! Want to slap me for saying that? I get it. Deep into my erythromelalgia and CIRS journey, that statement would have angered me. It’s only clear to me now in hindsight. No matter where you find yourself today, do be gentle with yourself and that beautiful body of yours.

You can read about CIRS Shoemaker Protocol starting from the beginning at Step #1 here.

You can read more about my journey as a medical provider hellbent on healing her own erythromelalgia here.

Read about healing my chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) and how that connects to EM here.

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CIRS Shoemaker Protocol Step #5-


CIRS Shoemaker Protocol Step #3